Monday, January 25, 2010

Reading for Monday 2/1/10

"Pretty Pictures"

Pretty pictures is the term we're using in this class to define the style of photography that is popular because of it beauty and comfortable appeal. This style is used by photographers working with both digital and film cameras. The two photographers we are reading about this week are Ansel Adams and Scott Graham. Ansel Adams is one of the most classic landscape photographers. I bet most of you have seen at least one of his photos before, even if you didn't know it. This is a link to a short bio on him.

Scott Graham is a modern photographer who does a lot of his work in this area. His work on the Blueridge parkway is what he is most known for. He still uses a medium format camera for his work. Read his bio and spend a little time checking out his website and looking at his photos:


Hello everyone!

Welcome to Practical photography!

Each week your reading assignments will be posted on this blog. Follow the links and check out the sites and articles we have selected for you. You will also be required to make at least one comment a week on the blog about the reading or a question in general about the style we will be addressing that week. These need to be done by Saturday night by midnight. Remember, these comments and questions will greatly help to add to our in class discussions and will make it more enjoyable for all of us.
